Flow emerges at the boundary between boredom and anxiety when the perceived challenges are just balanced with your confidence and skill level.For the record, by creating the right conditions, flow can also be experienced in simple, day-to-day tasks like washing up and sweeping the floor. In choosing your activity and goal, look for the sweet spot between the challenge level of the task and your skill level.

Choose an activity you love and find a goal related to it that you’re motivated by. Here are five steps to get you started: 1. So if finding flow is so rewarding, and it’s accessible to us all, how do we go about experiencing more of it? The key is to understand how to create the conditions for flow to emerge. It feels like I can do anything, or maybe more accurately, I can deal with anything and make something good come from it.” According to the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, we are often at our happiest when in flow, in part because when we are so absorbed in a single task, we don’t have enough attention left over to get lost in the inane chatter of our monkey mind, worry about things beyond our control, or stress about our endless to-do-list. I am completely focused on what I'm doing. Like everything within me is coming out to make my boat go faster. Olympic champion canoeist and Headspace user, Etienne Stott MBE, describes flow as “a great sense of power, freedom, and expression. Time becomes distorted-slowing down in the moment and yet flying by in retrospect Our ego settles down and we feel uninhibited, somehow going beyond ourselvesĪ sense of personal control and a feeling that we have the potential to succeed Actions become effortless, senses are heightened and feedback about how you are doing is available immediately. While individual experiences of flow can vary, they tend to be characterized by:Īn intense, undivided focus on the activity Flow is often considered the domain of elite athletes, musicians, and actors, but the truth is, we all have the potential to experience it and when we do, it can enrich our lives.